Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Upon Finding Some Things I Wrote Whilst Wasted...

So, I just accidentally hit the 'notes' button on my laptop and up popped my notes.  Since I almost never use this feature, I was unaware that I had notes on there that had been written recently.  I was also unaware that these notes even existed because I was apparently blacked out drunk when I wrote them.  I am sharing them now because the first one I wrote struck me as brutally honest, and brutal honesty is what I'm all about.  And the second one I just find hilarious.  I have corrected any typos or misspellings so they are easier to read, but kept the sentence structure and punctuation in its original form.  Please enjoy....

Written on May 8th at 4:10 am...

"It feels good to be in New York.  Or, more honesty, it feels good to be away from LA.  LA is full of fakers and you get sucked into faking it, constantly.  There’s a dweeby little guy I fucked a couple times that I'd see frequently around my neighborhood and every time I saw him he’d ask: are you killin it?  Annihilating it, I’d reply, my response even more bullshit than his forced casual joviality.  And I hated myself for it.  But everyone does that in LA.  In LA you start believing your own bullshit because you are forced to bullshit all day every day.  At least in New York you’re allowed to admit that you’re broken."

And this one was written in June - the only date that makes sense is the 14th -but I'm not sure of the time because I forgot to check before I started fixing all the typos...  and there were a whole shit ton of those...

"All I want is another beverage…  because I’m fucking lame.  this fucking airplane sucks; this fucking airline sucks;  this fucking whole thing is one of the most magical amazing thing that humanity has created and I’m sitting here bored and angry because of how much this shit sucks.  its crazy… if you think about it..  its insane.  we are hurtling through the sky at hundreds and hundreds of miles per hour on a tiny tin can and i’m sitting here bitching about how shitty it is that were delayed and were are stuck in an airport and i cant get drunk fast enough..  holy shit. my hair feels gorgeous  I’m waiting for my friend to meet me on the opposite side of the county and I am bitching in my brain about how shitty this traveling experience was.  I cant even imagine what my ancestors went thru  my best friend delivered a baby yesterday..  and I’m cranky because my back hurts and I want to be near my new friend again…  I don’t know what I'm trying to say other than I just love everything and everyone.  And I love this shitty journey.  And I can’t wait to see my friends… "

What a drunk fucking asshole I am...  I hope someone found these as amusing as I did...

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